JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What will you do when the power is gone!

In these days of unrest throughout the world, where politicians flee their states to avoid doing the jobs they were elected to do, a place where inflation is beginning to raise its ugly head and energy sources are rapidly becoming so unpredictable that there is a possibility that one day soon the power may just stop. In this case I am referring to the electrical power that we all depend upon in our daily lives. Imagine a world where you can no longer flip a switch and “let there be light”, a world where you can no longer depend upon your thermostat to keep you home cool and comfortable during the heat of summer, or even cook the foods we so enjoy in mere minutes instead of hours.

What would you do? Just imagine for a minute that the electrical grid of the nation has died and there is no hope that it will ever function again. Such a scenario was described in the book “One Second After” a story about a terrorist EMP wave that shut down all electrical power throughout the United States. If we are to believe our government, there is no risk to the power grid from any group, country or natural phenomenon, but let’s pretend for a moment that such a thing actually occurred. What would you do about the basics in life? How would you survive? What about the basics?....(to read more click here)....


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