JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Monday, August 1, 2011

Starting a new business now??!!!???

With the economy as it is the thought of starting a new business has crossed the mind of more than one of us. In fact it has probably crossed the mind of almost everyone who has had a bad day at work, watched a fellow employee lose his job or had their hours cut. The problem is that no matter what we may believe about the jobs we hold as being “ours”; in fact they belong to our employers and as such they control the most basic aspect of our lives, the ability to earn a reliable living. It always wasn’t so, in fact until the industrial revolution most people in this nation worked for themselves, usually on small farms or in the shops that they owned. Yes, we had employers, but the vast majority of the population made a living on their own using the brains that God gave them. Unfortunately, during the last few decades, we have all become accustomed to the “golden age” in which we live with readily available jobs that left our wits withering in the wind. Yet, with the last paradigm shift in our economy, or as our esteemed economists refer to it, “the jobless recovery”, we no longer can let us or our wits wither any further. To do so, would leave us at the mercy of our politicians to legislate a policy of theft from those who produce a surplus leaving us no better than the cattle of the local farm. Livestock that is to be slaughtered or fattened depending upon the needs of the farmer. So as I found myself entering the Christmas season, I discovered that my hours from my employer of several years no longer available, in fact they had been cut in half leaving me with the need to generate a plan of survival for myself and family for the new year.

To begin with, my family and I have always lived below our means, doing things to stretch our dollars and invest in the future. The good news, that other than the house we lived in and our rental properties, we have no debt, a situation few in this nation enjoy. So not being pressed to find an immediate source of income, we decided that we needed to branch out and build upon what we had started and build a business of our own that would allow us to control our destiny well into the future.---read more here----

Redgage picture of the day----Spreading Flamingos


1 comment:

  1. his post has been very deep and useful to increase my knowledge in the field of knowledge and its various facets. Well, I'm so glad I found this post because I've been looking for some  information. Starting a new Business
