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Monday, July 18, 2011

Our deteriorating school system?

As my children are no longer part of the public school system, I am now beginning to be able to lift my head from the daily grind of living. It has been a bit of fresh air as I watch them step out into life on their own and I look forward to the prospect of seeing grandchildren running around the house, breaking my wife’s most precious knickknacks. One day while contemplating what grandchildren will mean, I heard a radio report of how poorly the schools in my part of Georgia were doing and how they faced the potential of a government takeover.

So what are the benefits of a public school education in today’s world? I realize that all of us pay taxes and the cheapest method in which to educate our children, (as required by law in all 50 states), would be to send them to public school. But is that the best thing for them? In the past 100+ years we have become accustomed to the idea that there is only one option for us, and that option being public schooling, but it wasn’t always the case. In the past, people either paid individuals to educate their children or educated them at home. So why aren’t we doing so now?

The simple answer is that we have been trained and educated to believe that there is only one best option, that of public schools. But in fact, the best educated people in our nation today are those who are home schooled followed by private education and trailed distantly by that of public education. So why don’t you education your children at home? Is it because you can’t afford it? It is my contention that we have been tricked into believing that if we don’t own the latest cell phone, newest car and the biggest house, we are not living the American dream. It has caused us to take on a two-income family, send our children to others to watch and acquire debt like no generation has ever before. For what purpose do we do such things? Don’t we want the best for our children or have we become so self-centered that we no longer think that the next generation must do better than the last? Are we the last and 2nd greatest generation, 2nd only to our parents who lived during the middle half of the 20th century? (read more here)

Redgage photo of the day----(hibiscus)


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