JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Democratic America!?

I believe we are in for a substantial transformation within the borders of this nation. We are fast approaching the point in time where America will no longer hold onto to the notion of being a Republic and instead will embrace the idea that we must become, a Democracy! Yes, for those who are undereducated or simply ignorant of the facts, America since it inception has been a Republic with Republican ideals of popular representation (The House of Representatives) offset by the egalitarian representation of powerful state interests by the Senate. All of this was topped off by the election of a national leader by an archaic process called the Electoral College. The good news is that soon these aged and obsolete methods of governing will no longer apply as we move this nation closer to that most ideal of governments, the democratically elected government or as some would call it, a government of the majority.

Sounds good doesn’t it? For far too long, we the people have been held in subjugation by those with power and influence who use the United States Constitution as a barrier to the free expression of the majority of Americans. In the past, we have been denied our due rights to food, housing, medical care, and the basic luxuries of life that we so richly deserve though the indirect elections of our US Senators, President and Vice President. It is these indirect elections that have allowed those with special interests to bribe, cajole and deflect the true wishes of the American people. Yet, despite these barriers, we have made progress. One such example was the passage of the 17th Amendment. This Amendment allowed for the first time the direct election of each State’s Senators. This Amendment was the first step in breaking the stranglehold that the Governors and State Legislators had upon the US Senate. It gave the people of this nation the power to directly control both houses in the legislative branch and with that control; state’s rights were no longer relevant. The power of the Federal government to make laws, set tax rates and punish those we deemed unpopular squarely in the hands of the masses. (read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----fly by


Anarchy in just 2 months!

Do you realize that we as a city, state, nation, and world are only 47 days from Anarchy? It’s true, floods, drought, wars have decimated world food supplies, and population increases. I know that is a little hard to swallow, but according to the latest government reports, the entire world has only 47 days of food at any point in time. That’s hardly enough time to raise a cow, pig or goat, but more than enough time to plant a few radishes. In truth, the human race is always growing something somewhere to replenish that 47 day supply, but if you consider the state of the world today, are you willing to risk the chance of war or some other disruption in the food supply? It has happened before and will happen again. In fact, it has been nearly 200 years since the “year without a summer”. In that case, a volcano erupted and all but blotted out the sun causing crops to fail throughout the world.

Wait, isn’t America the breadbasket of the world? Yes it is and will continue to be for some time to come, but being a breadbasket and having food is not the same thing! First, we are a capitalist nation where products and services are for sale to the highest bidder. What do you think will happen if a portion of the world suffered a famine? Well let’s use the Middle East as an example. With all of the dollars we have been sending there for the last 50 years, they would easily be able to buy as much food as they desire from our American farmers and who would fault the farmers for selling them the food? They have been racked by debt, government regulations and foreign subsidies for decades. So if a portion of our food was reallocated to foreign nations, what would that do for our own domestic supplies? If this were the 1970s, not much would happen as at that point in time we had a 7-year supply of food for each and every American citizen. So selling a good chunk of our food overseas wouldn’t have been a problem, but things change. Since the early 1980s, we have been giving, selling and distributing that stored food without replenishment. Short sighted, but what can you expect from our Federal government. They can’t even keep enough MREs in stock for our military and have been running hand to mouth for the last few years. One disruption and would soldiers would be going hungry!(read more here)

Redgage Picture of the day----meal time


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Do you know the price of freedom?

What is the price of freedom? If you pay any attention to the world today, that is a question that occurs to each of us at some point. As I watched the riots erupt in the Middle East and later the tearing down of the border fences in Israel, I had to ask myself what would I do to protect my family and myself. Would I show as much restraint or would I lose myself in the moment and do something that would haunt me for the rest of my life? This is a question that has validity when it comes to our personal freedoms here in the United States. Unlike Israel, we here in the United States do not have to deal with hostile nations on three sides rather we have an immigration problem that has been persistent since the formation of the nation itself. Yet, despite our relative safety we still face the ever-present danger of losing our most basic rights to those who represent us.

One of our most basic rights is that of speaking our mind. This is embodied in the 1st Amendment of our “Bill of Rights” which says:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  (read more here)

The redgage picture of the day----yellow flower


Do you have a boomerang child?

They are everywhere, living in basements, filling our bedrooms, and dozing in our garage studio apartments. Who are they and what do they want? They are our children and they have come home to roost. After what we thought was a final goodbye with the scheduled weekly phone call and the hectic visit from hoped for grandchildren, we sent our offspring into the big bad world with hopes high as we dialed the phone number to that travel agent so we could book that dream vacation. Yet, like a boomerang, they flew into the night only to curve in a graceful arc right back into our homes and daily lives. We ask ourselves, what did we do wrong? Did we fail to supply enough emotional, educational and financial support so that they would be able to fend for themselves?

Well the answer to those questions are as varied as there are snowflakes in a blizzard and like a blizzard the children we call boomerangs returned to the safety and security of our loving arms. Never the less, we can break the problem into several key points that help explain why so many children have this urge / need to return. First and foremost, there is the cost of living today. Not since the Great Depression have people starting out on their own had such a hard time not only finding employment, but employment that is lucrative enough to allow one to live on their own. What people are now calling the great recession, (which using the textbook definition was a depression), has eroded the buying power of our wages to an extent that the cost of the basics in life can no longer be afforded by the average wage earner. Despite what the federal government says, if we used the same methods to calculate unemployment and inflation as we did in 1980, then the official unemployment rate would be 19% and inflation would be 10%. Significantly higher than what our beloved politicians are willing to admit.(read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----butterfly


What is your effective tax rate?

As the next elections grow nearer, we are hearing more and more about how we need to bring our deficit into balance not only on the federal level, but also on the state and local levels. So the question has come to mind, what is your effective tax rate and how do you feel about it? Effective tax rate you say and what is an effective tax rate? Simply said, if you added all of the fees, taxes, and charges that your government charges you each year, and divide that by the total income you earn, the percentage you end up with would be your effective tax rate. Have you tried it before? Do you really know how much you actually pay in taxes each year? You really ought to know, for information is power and with that power you can work not only harder, but smarter towards a better life!

So let’s begin the exercise using the income and taxes accrued by my family. Though we don’t make much, we do pay a bit in taxes each year. As of last year we earned, through our various jobs, etc a total of $ 36,000. Yes, we will do a bit of rounding here as it makes things easier to understand. Though we have rentals, they are a family business that we derive no income from of any type. Though for this exercise, you would include any and all sources such as dividends, interest, etc. Do not include company reimbursements for expenses as part of your job.

Totals to date:
Income                        $ 36,000

Then there are the taxes that we pay each year to the local, county, state and federal governments. These are lengthy in their list, but must be listed so bear with me. Also, any time you are mandated to spend money by any government agency that would be a tax. So if your state mandates that you buy car or health insurance 
(read more here)

Redgage Picture of the day---sunrise


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why we should protect American Industry

With the economy in the tank and each day looking bleaker and bleaker, it seems that the United States is on the road to collapse in just a few short years. This was once a nation of ideas and industry, a place where the world looked to see what was new and novel. A place where each and every other nation wished to emulate as they grew their own economies using the same tools and ideas that we discarded as we developed new methods to improve what we already had. We were a nation of exporters as well as consumers, yet as we look around today, all that we see is a nation of couch potatoes who have no more ambition than that of a rotten egg rolling down the sidewalk. What can we do to improve our lot and bring back what once was?

In a word, we need to renew the process of protecting our own industry as those who surround us do each and every day. Did you know that a car built in the United States and later shipped to China has a duty tax of nearly 100%? Or that in times past, the nation of Japan would submit our electronics to rigorous testing that would include submersion in water in order to restrict the flow of imports into their nation? Unfair you say! Yes, it is unfair, but life in general is unfair and anyone who believes differently is not only a fool, but also part of the problem in this nation today. (read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----a warning sign


Why a Democrat?

We all have our political affiliations and as such, we each have our own carefully thought out justifications for why we vote and for whom we vote. As such, I felt it would be of benefit for each of us to have a better grasp of what the differing political parties actually stand for and why people associate with them. Today’s focus will be that of why I am a Democrat and how I can make you one also. The world of the Democrat is one of constant strife for a playing field that is level and just, for without that “level playing field” there can be no fairness and without fairness, how is one to succeed in this constantly evolving world of ours?

Let’s begin with the basic tenant of why I am a Democrat! I believe in fairness in all aspects of life for all of those who are part of this great nation of ours. For without that childhood notion of fairness that we all have, where would we be? Is it not fair for everyone to have the same access to a job regardless of their qualifications? Those who demand that I be able to read, write, use a computer, much less show up on time and on a regular basis for the job for which I have been hired are simply the bigots and racists who have bedeviled our society since its formation over 200 years ago. When they terminate me for my sloth are they not being unfair? I can name a hundred others who would do just as bad of a job! It is unfair for any company to take away my income that I so desperately need in order to pay my bills. After all, it is my job and I can use it anyway I want! I want politicians who understand my needs and are willing to use the force of government to assure me of a “living wage” no matter what my true worth.(read more here)

Redgage picture of the day-----dock


Monday, June 27, 2011

The End of the 4th Amendment!

It has finally happened! After years of chipping away at our 4th Amendment rights, a court in Indiana has finally admitted the truth with a 3/2 ruling that simply stated, the people of Indiana have no legal right to prevent government agents from entering their home at will. The ruling was the result of a case where the police entered an apartment after following a couple that indicated that they needed no further assistance from the police. The husband protested and after being moved aside by the police, he defended himself by pushing aside the police officer against a wall to prevent his further entry into the home. The officer’s partner then used his taser to subdue the husband whom then taken into custody for assault upon a police officer. In this ruling the court indicated that the previous standards by which officers could enter a home without a warrant were no longer valid and in the interests of public safety and modern interpretation of our 4th Amendment rights the use of home owner consent or exigent circumstances we no longer needed. The court also indicated that any individual who felt they were wronged still had the option of a civil suit against the officer, but that individual’s ability to reasonably resist the intrusion by government officials were against good government policy.

The 4th Amendment states that:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.  (read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----orange flower


The Felons in our World!

It’s rather interesting how things have changed over the last five decades. At one point in time, murderers were routinely executed or if they were spared the death penalty, they never ever got out of prison before they were old and decrepit. Simple robberies left the criminals counting the decades they needed to spend before their release. Yet, once they got out, there was no parole, or rather it was used sparingly and only on those who truly were repentant and willing to give society the best they had left. People then treated those who were released as having paid their debt to society and that was the end of it. Well, actually people did keep an eye on the former felons, but in essence they were considered rehabilitated and able to rejoin society with all of the benefits that they enjoyed before their incarceration.

Yet today, that is no longer the case as we watch killer after killer, rapist after rapist, and who knows what else commit their crimes, spend a few years in the pen and then be set free with all of the restrictions and rules as set forth by the state parole board. In the county I live in, we have so many burglaries and thefts that the police no longer actually travel to the crime scene, but rather ask us to drive to the county building and file a report. On one particular day, we had an air conditioning unit stolen and as I quietly filled out the police report, I learned that on that day alone four others had been stolen. At that point I knew that there would be no justice in my case and took the case number and filed it away as being a pointless waste of time.(read more here)

Redgage picture of the day---(white flower)


Are you allowed to defend yourself?

In this day and age of terrorists behind every corner, the question comes to mind of whether or not we actually have a right to self-defense. The answer to that question is as varied as there are colors under the rainbow. In some states not only do you not have the right to self-defense, but also rather you are required to retreat before an attacker. Failure to do so would and has often resulted in the criminal prosecution of the original victim. In other states, not only do you have a right to defend yourself, but also your property. So what is correct? Do you have a right to protect yourself and property or are you required to go through life hoping to win the lottery of safety and security as you go unnoticed by the criminal element?

When proponents of self-defense are challenged, they often point to the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution as the basis of their right to self-defense. The citation of the 2nd Amendment is critical to the self-defense argument, as the most common method of protecting one’s self is through the use of a firearm. So what does the 2nd Amendment actually say in the matter?

2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  (read more here)

 Redgage Picture of the day----turtles

The Dumb Things Goverments Do!

Over the years we all have heard of the excesses of government and how through their efforts to improve things, they actually made them worse and in some cases the results we quite spectacular. No matter what your views of our elected officials and government in general, it is the bureaucracy that actually runs things in government. Think not? Try calling your local politician and getting them to explain how to pull a permit for a new deck or pool. In nearly every case, if you are even able to get their attention, they will invariably transfer you to one of the local bureaucrats who will then dispense the wisdom they posses with the finality of a Supreme Court ruling.

Yet do those bits and pieces of wisdom actually have value or are they simply a case of justifying their existence, (at best), or a situation where they take something simple and make it not only difficult, but actually end up creating a ridiculous or stupid situation. For example, take the case of the New York Health Department, who under a new law implemented on 4-1-2011, determined that games such as tag, dodge ball, and freeze were games that poses significantly higher risks to children and as such were subject to new rules and regulations. In this case these regulations would have then required permits to be issued and an onsite nurse for any “day” camp. The good news is that after the protests of parent and some local politicians, this rule was revised, but in reality it is just another case of government stupidity.(read more here)

Redgage Picture of the day-----Bees


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Should we limit our access to guns?

Every time there is a shooting the same questions arise. Should we have stronger gun control laws? Do we need to ban the sale and possession of large capacity magazines? If you have read any of my work, you will quickly realize that I have strong tendencies towards limited government, especially when it comes to the ownership of firearms of all types. Yet, I also believe that any debate is always a good debate. For if we are unwilling as a nation to discuss an issue, then we are doomed to repeat our mistakes of other nations who routinely censor and cower their populations into submission. For I believe that submission is not the American way and we as a nation have the freedoms that all human beings were born to enjoy. Not the least of which is the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. But with any freedom there is its twin brother, responsibility.

We all have members of our family that will when presented with the options between doing a smart thing and a dumb thing, will always do the dumb thing. This is the person who would actually jump off that bridge if everyone else were doing it also. The problem we have as a society is what to do with those who are unwilling to handle the personal responsibilities of our god-given freedoms and routinely jump off that proverbial bridge just because they can, while ignoring the consequences. The same can be applied to the question of gun control and magazine capacity.(read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----Mulberry Tree


Bob-Your best friend in an emergency!

In today’s world of constant movement and travel, it really isn’t too hard for one to be caught up in a catastrophe and totally unprepared. We see it every day on television, where a flash flood cuts off a community keeping the homeowners from their homes or where a driver is trapped on the side of a road by their broken down car. It can even be a simple as a power outage or gas leak that forces people to evacuate a neighborhood. No matter what the reason for the problem it is important for everyone to have their best friend handy and available at all times. Who would friend be, none other than BOB or more commonly known as a “bug-out-bag”.

Why do you need a bug-out-bag? Simply said, we never know when we will get stuck some where with no food, water or the basic necessities readily available. For example, what is the first thing to happen during a hurricane or major storm? The shelves of the local stores quickly become empty of a food, water and batteries. Three of the most common items needed during a short-term emergency. If you had a bug-out-bag, such things would not be not so much an emergency, but rather an inconvienence. I know what you are thinking, no big deal, there is always a Quickie-Mart near by and I have an ATM card so I can buy what ever I need without the hassle of carrying a BOB with me all the time. That would be true in most cases, but as with most things in life, things don’t always work out so well. Ask the 80-year-old man who got stuck in the shoulder of the road in the desert when he made a wrong turn and attempted to make a quick U-turn. He was trapped without food, water and blankets for several days before he was found. In order to survive, he drank the water in his wiper reservoir, (not recommended as it is usually toxic). He survived, but it was a lot harder than it needed to be and he ended up in the hospital for several days.(read more here)

Redgage Photo of the day-----Bamboo


The Laffer Curve and what it means!

Unless you are a student of Ronald Reagan or plan on specializing in Economics as a career path, most likely you have never heard of Arthur Laffer and his infamous “Laffer Curve”. Yet this simple theory has been the root of most of our political struggles within this nation for the last two generations. Even today, you can hear the different political parties blaring from the various news channels their unending calls to adjust the tax code to the levels they feel are appropriate on the curve.

What exactly is the “Laffer Curve”? In simple terms it is a method of explaining that when a government taxes the economy of a nation, it will continue to increase its total revenue as it increases its rate of taxation until that magical point where the economy can no longer support the increasing taxation and then the government will then begin to see decreasing total revenues as the rate continues to rise or in other words, diminishing returns. Imagine for a moment a bell curve where at one end there is a tax rate of 0% and on the other side a tax rate of 100%. On a graph, both rates will show zero revenue, but between the two points you will see a bell shaped curve that represents the estimate revenues at each rate of taxation. Not so simple of an explanation! Try this; imagine you’re a farmer who raises corn. You start out with a bushel of corn and as you harvest each crop the bushels of corn in your possession increases. Then the landlord steps in and demands that in order to continue farming you will need to give him 10% of each harvest. As you are producing a good crop, you have no trouble doing so and the bushels of corn stored continue to increase, as does the total amount of corn the landlord receives. Increase that is until the landlord decides the rate is now 40% of all harvested corn. At this point the amount of corn left over from each harvest begins to shrink and so does the amount of corn that the landlord collects.(read more here)

Redgage Picture of the day-----A caged Bird


Do you need Solar Power?

What is the true value of solar power in today’s world? Solar power has been touted as the get all and be all of energy independence since the early 1970s when countless people jumped feet first into what they thought would give them the final say in how much they actually spent in energy costs each year. At the time they felt that the nation was on the road to ruin and big oil (OPEC at the time) was out to rob them of all they had. In truth a story not much different that what we hear today about EXXON, (the biggest oil company in the world), from our own government officials. These people felt that if they just invested in enough solar panels, they would finally be able to break free of the escalating costs that seem to hit our pocket books every year with each solemn announcement of a new disaster or revolution somewhere in the world.

Yet, with all of its promise solar power has yet to free the masses from the all powerful and far-reaching monolith we know as the electric company. Why is that? In a word, cost or rather the market costs that prevent the average person from being able to afford the materials and labor to provide enough electrical power to free a household from the grid. It has been estimated that the average household in America is about 1500 square feet and uses about 2500 kilowatts of electricity each month.(click here to read more)

Redgage Picture of the day------Speed Boat


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Bit About Olive Trees

Olive trees have a long history of cultivation. Rumor has it that man has been cultivating the olive tree for nearly 7000 years, but historical texts show that we can only confirm about 3000 years. The olive tree originated from the Mediterranean, most likely from the northern latitudes of Africa and was used extensively by both the Greeks and Romans. In fact the Greeks considered using olive oil as part of one’s hygiene, (hair / body wash), a proper way to good health.  The olive tree was first brought to the America’s in the 16th century by the Europeans and was first planted in Central America and South America. The olive tree didn’t make it to North America, (California), until the 1700’s.

There fruit of the olive tree has two uses, that for juicing or what we know as olive oil and for eating. If you have plans to plant your own olive tree and harvest it for the oil, be aware that a typical olive tree will produce 3-4 pounds of olive oil annually. So be prepared to plant half a dozen or so trees if you want to be independent in olive oil.---(click here to read more)

Redgage Photo of the day------Cheetah


Note: did you know that most black olives are black due to the addition of ferrous sulfate?

Tsunamis and survival!

With the advent of the Japanese earthquake and the resulting Tsunami, millions of people have been left without access to power or water. Furthermore, several reactors have gone off line and are now leaking radiation. Needless to say, the levels of the leaks are no greater than those of the 3 Mile Island reactors of the late 70s, but it has tainted the dairy and agricultural products of the affected area for nearly 80 miles and as such many of the locally grown foods are no longer available to the populace. This has left the people of the area dependant upon the charity of the government or the food stores they have at home. In addition, it is unknown just how long it will take for the area hit by the tsunami to recover to its former levels of productivity. This begs the question of just how much food and water does a person need if they planned on surviving for up to a year on what they had stored at home?

First off, the decision on how much food is needed is dependant upon a number of factors such as age, weight, size, activity levels, temperatures, etc. So there is no firm answer, but a person can get a fairly good idea of what is required by using one of the quickie food consumption calculators located on the net. One of my favorites calculators is the one provided by the Mormons as they break everything down to the most basic element. I for one believe that you can eat better and with greater variety from the foods you can make from a bag of flour versus the limited uses you get from a box of chicken fingers or a bag of hot dogs. So with that said, I have used one of the calculators to determine just how much food would be needed if I had to survive for a year.(read more here)....

Redgage picture of the day------a blue fish


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tired of Rising Food Prices????

So you have had it with the rising cost of vegetables at the grocery store and have decided that you will now feed your family with the family garden. Over the years, many people have made such a choice and through poor luck, bad weather or bad planning never achieved the results they desired and just gave up after a season or two. That doesn’t need to be the case and with a bit of planning and some seasoning, (time and not a spice), you can achieve your goal of being able to feed your family through the efforts you make in the family garden. I will be upfront and admit that gardening is not an easy thing to do, and anyone who thinks that they can achieve great results by reading an article and buying the right products is doomed to not just failure, but that type of failure that becomes legend in the family lore.

Having said that, is growing a garden one of those impossible tasks that takes that special type of person to do it right? No, people have been gardening for thousands of years, but it can be hard and if you aren’t willing to put for the effort that it requires, you may want to think about down sizing your plans. In fact, starting off small is a great way to achieve some success and give yourself that boost we all need when starting something new. It has been said that the average person who grows all of the fruits and vegetables that they need will use 4000 square feet of land. A family of four will require 16,000 square feet or about 4/10 of an acre of land dedicated to just fruits and vegetables. If you plan on meat and dairy products, then you can boost that to at least 5 acres and probably nearly 10 if you have poor land. That is just what you need to survive, if you plan on getting everything from your land such as hay, pasture, and energy you will need much more, probably 40 acres overall....(click here to read more...).....

Redgage Photo of the day.....Lions.......


Alternative Foods--Acorns!

Can people actually eat acorns? The short answer is yes, people have been eating acorns for thousands of years and are still doing so today. The difference between today and 150 years ago are the improvements of technology and the urbanization of today’s society. In the past, it took a great deal of effort to clear land for planting, so much of it was done a little bit at a time with the use of hand axes and fire. Until a field was ready for planting, people would gather the nuts of the forest for use in their breads and other dishes they ate. One of those nuts that people regularly ate was the acorn. I know that anyone who has actually pealed back the shell of an acorn and took a bite quickly spit it out due to the foul taste. That taste, or tannins, that are part of the acorn meat is the same material that people used to tan the hides of the animals that were hunted in order to create the shoes and leather products with which they were accustomed.

So not only is the acorn edible, but it actually had a second use in the preservation of hides and other leather products. So how are acorns...(to read more...).......

Redgage Photo picture of the day...antelopes....?????


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welfare, Corporate and Otherwise!

We hear a great deal these days about the problems with the welfare programs that the state and federal governments offer to the citizens of this nation. To be fair, I am not just talking about the food stamp programs or direct cash subsidies to those without work, but I am also talking about the subsidy programs for those corporations that provide us with the necessities and luxuries in life. So let’s take a moment to discuss one type of welfare that we have in this nation and what should we do about it.

First, we have a spending problem in this nation. Yes, you can argue that one group or another is not paying their fair share, but no one can argue that we are collecting more money in taxes each year in the United States than any nation has ever collected in the history of mankind. So if we are collecting so much money and everyone is paying his share, why do we have such a large deficit? Simply said, we are spending too much and do not have the appetite to stop. Furthermore, as long as people are willing to hand us money, (or allow us to print it), we will not have the courage or the fortitude to stop. Despite this reckless spending, there are those who understand the problems that the deficits are causing and are willing to offer solutions...(click here to read more).....

The Redgage Picture of the day.....Water Lilies....


Representative Weiner and Morals....

You may not know it, but one of the benefits of Representative Weiner debacle is a few days away from the realities of life. As we sit there glued to our televisions debating whether or not he should resign, the reports that this nation can expect a new standard unemployment rate in excess of 9% for the next decade go unnoticed. We are far too mesmerized by the idea that a sitting member of Congress can actually “flash” members of his social group without any of the consequences that a normal “man” on the street would suffer, such as a few years in jail and a record as a “sex offender”. Be happy that our members of Congress can find the time from such pressing concerns of the nation such as the deficit, debt spending, and unemployment to address our total lack of entertainment and provide us with this moment in the life of a Congressman.

All joking aside, the reports that slid by us during the spate of news coverage regarding the Congressman’s utter lack of morals,(click here to read more)......

Redgage Photo of the day.....Stocks from Jacksonville Zoo....


Friday, June 17, 2011

A different type of Emergency Generator!

Do you have a need for a generator that can run virtually forever? We are all familiar with the standard household generator that kicks in every time the power goes out in the neighborhood. It is noisy, stinks to high heaven and is generally a cheap piece of machinery that has the lifespan of a gnat, but costs an arm and a leg to purchase. Then there is the familiar generator that is sold by the truckload at the local big box store and has the generating capacity to power your laptop and cell phone, but not much more and still costs anywhere from $300-$500 dollars. Well there is an alternative that has been made in one form or another since the 1930s.

What is this ancient machine you ask? In its original form it was call the Lister and was made in the United Kingdom and exported throughout the world with one of its largest markets being the, (at that time), colony of India. Later the people of India began to make their own “Lister Engines” and called them Listeroids. The original engines were such works of art that many were reputed to run for decades with little or no down time. Today, the Listeroid is generally used for water pumping or electrical power generation. For many homesteaders who live well off the grid, a Listeroid is an essential piece of equipment.(click here to read more)......

Redgage Picture of the day...a bloody sun.....


The Value of a Raised Vegetable Garden

Do you want a garden this year, but don’t have the space required for a larger garden or you simply don’t want to be bothered by all of the weeds that seem to spring up whenever you plant a few tomatoes? Why don’t you try installing an above ground planter for your garden this year? Above ground planters have a few advantages over the traditional garden and can be quite a bit easier for those of us who don’t have the time or inclination for traditional methods of gardening.

There are a number of benefits with a planter box or above ground planter. First with planter boxes, you can limit the size of the garden to the dimensions you desire. For example, a friend of mine built a series of planters that were 4 foot by 12 foot using lumber he salvaged from a job site. He located a vertical 4x4 on each end, filled the planter with topsoil, added a soaker hose and stapled black plastic over the top.(click here to read more...)......

Redgage Picture of the day......crepe myrtles....


Thursday, June 16, 2011

A New Way To Pay Your Taxes!

Have you heard about the latest and greatest method by which the government shall calculate and collect its fair share of taxes? If not, let me enlighten you with the mileage tax that is currently being tested in the state of Oregon. If we were to believe what our elected officials tell us, this plan would be a replacement for the current tax by the gallon of all gasoline products. For those who haven’t paid attention, each gallon of gasoline contains anywhere from $0.35 to $ 0.99 per gallon in Federal, State, County and local city taxes.

In essence, this new tax would consist of tracking the mileage that each driver in the nation and this mileage would then be taxed at a rate set forth by the Congress. The basis for the new tax as proposed is to allow for the federal government, (and state governments), to raise revenue in order to repair and maintain the nations roads and bridges. Sounds great doesn’t? Well in reality we as taxpayers currently fund the creation and repairs of our roads and bridges through the purchase of gasoline in the form of added costs to each gallon as previously stated. This money is then collected by the state and federal governments and then distributed in the form of contracts for repair and maintenance. So why is a new form of collection needed?.....(click here to read more).....

The Redgage Picture of the day....(Woodpecker).....


What will you do when the power is gone!

In these days of unrest throughout the world, where politicians flee their states to avoid doing the jobs they were elected to do, a place where inflation is beginning to raise its ugly head and energy sources are rapidly becoming so unpredictable that there is a possibility that one day soon the power may just stop. In this case I am referring to the electrical power that we all depend upon in our daily lives. Imagine a world where you can no longer flip a switch and “let there be light”, a world where you can no longer depend upon your thermostat to keep you home cool and comfortable during the heat of summer, or even cook the foods we so enjoy in mere minutes instead of hours.

What would you do? Just imagine for a minute that the electrical grid of the nation has died and there is no hope that it will ever function again. Such a scenario was described in the book “One Second After” a story about a terrorist EMP wave that shut down all electrical power throughout the United States. If we are to believe our government, there is no risk to the power grid from any group, country or natural phenomenon, but let’s pretend for a moment that such a thing actually occurred. What would you do about the basics in life? How would you survive? What about the basics?....(to read more click here)....


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Prophets of Doom!

One the nation’s biggest Prophets of doom, Glenn Beck is about to leave the safety of television to pursue other interests. Yet is he really such a doom and gloomer or is he just part of a larger reality where such things as intrusions into our lives, swat raids, riots, food shortages and all of that, now no longer sit on the kitchen table as part of the evening newspaper, but blare at us from the radio, cell phones, Ipads, and television. Is the world really going into the waste bucket? Are things so much worse the last 10 years that we fear the worst or have we changed our worldly perceptions from one of being able to get up each morning ready to face the challenges life may bring to a group of individuals who just want to get by and are eager to start the weekend party?.....(click here to read more).....

The Redgage Picture of the day!.......Birds


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Are You Allowed To Defend Your Family?

As you watch the evening news, you begin to realize that we live in a world of danger that seems to be getting more perilous each and every day. We see car jackings occurring where mothers are either shot or thrown to the ground while their assailant drives away with the children in the back sometimes never to be seen again. In other cases, we hear where an entire family is killed by a burglar whose mother later states that her child was always a “good” boy. The question that comes to mind is why does this happen and better yet what can be done to stop it from happening to me and my own?

One of the first things to learn is if your state is one of those that have a fully implemented “Castle Law” doctrine. I know, what is “Castle Law” you ask? Simple said, “Castle Law” is a law that allows one to protect not only himself, but also.......(read more here)

Redgage Picture of the day!.....Turtles

Are you one of the Evil Rich?

We have heard the calls, the calls from our politicians for the need to raise taxes to help those in need. We have the empathy and the desire to help those who are less fortunate and in needs of help. In the United States we give, (through private means), more than any other nation in the world. We are a generous people whose compassion has no end and when we hear our leaders call for more revenue through higher taxes we balk and wonder how much can we actually take. Yet over the years the argument has changed. It has changed from one of you must pay more to one of those who are rich are simply not paying their “fair share” and must be punished. Their wealth confiscated and through the impartial government programs redistributed to those who cannot do for themselves. It is a compelling argument. In fact it is so compelling that a solid majority of the nation in strongly in favor for the taxes on the “Evil Rich” to be raised and raised now....(click here to read more)....


Monday, June 13, 2011

Your Garden and the Value of Heirloom Seeds!

You may have noticed that the variety of vegetables available at your local garden center is becoming a bit slim these days. There are a couple of reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is a consolidation of the vegetable supplier market or rather a consolidation of the suppliers of seeds for those vegetables. In order for your local garden center to produce vegetables for sale, they must first buy those seeds from a national producer of seeds or bulk supplier. As with most things today, profits drive the market and as the suppliers of seeds were bought out or went out of business, we were left with a few suppliers who looked at their product lines and decided to reduce the offerings they supplied. This allowed them to improve their bottom line and as one of only a few suppliers, they were able to force the market to change in the direction of fewer products. This is not good for those who garden and enjoy the variety that nature supplies....(see article here)...

The Redgage Photo of the day....A dragonfly....

What's Your Food Storage Plan?

Do you dehydrate your food? If not, you many want to reconsider doing so. The dehydrating of food has been going on since the beginning of time and has been a great safety net against the unpredictability of food availability throughout the world. In the past the basic method of drying your food came about one of three ways. First through the use of salt or also known as salting, you could preserve your meats for extended periods of time. The salt has the ability to draw moisture out of food, thus preventing bacteria from forming and decay setting in. The second method is known as smoking your food. Basically raw meats would be placed over pits or in smoke houses and would then be slowly cooked until almost all of the moisture was baked out of the food. Jerky would be a great example of smoking your food. Lastly there is the solar method of drying your foods. Simply stated you would slice your food into thin pieces and place it in a location that would allow the rays of the sun to slowly evaporate the moisture from the food.....(read the full article here)...

View the Redgage Picture of the Day...the purple flower


Sunday, June 12, 2011

The TSA and Your Privates!

Does the TSA have any limits on the power it wields when protecting this nation’s transportation? If you were to listen to the TSA regarding this matter, the answer would be a resounding no! According to the TSA and backed by the United States Supreme court, when it comes to the transportation of this nation, the TSA has the power to do what is needed to protect our transportation infrastructure. That sounds terrible does it not? Well it does and it doesn’t, it really depends upon a couple of factors that are as variable as the winds of the desert. If we have a benevolent government who believes in being hands off, then everything really isn’t that bad, but on the other hand, if we have a group of power hungry politicians, then all bets are off.

Let’s start with the root problem with the TSA and how it puts into effect the policies of the administration. Like any law or court ruling, it is a matter of how things are....(click here to read more)...

The Redgage Picture of the day!  Lemon Cucumbers!


Popeye & The Government!

Where is your point in the sand? We all have one, where we will take just so much before we snap and go off the deep end. One radio host referred to it as your “Popeye moment”, that point where, “That’s all I can stands and I cants stand no more!” With the ever-increasing pressure we all feel from the ever-worsening reports of the American economy, calls to give more, do with less and of course the ever-present pressure from an ever-growing government, we all are rapidly approaching our Popeye moment.

Perhaps your moment will be when as a resident of the town of Cedar Falls, which has recently proposed an ordinance, (# 2740), where the citizens of the community are required to provide keys to all commercial properties located within the city limits. The purpose of this ordinance is to allow the Fire and Police officials of the town unfettered access to the commercial properties in the event of a fire, accident, etc. This ordinance as.....(read the article)

The Redgage Picture of the Day!

A Woodpecker and what else?


Friday, June 10, 2011

Tired of Being Treated as Garbage for Doing Well?

In this day and age, it has become politically correct to pick on those who are the high achievers in our society. Earn more than your neighbor and you may find yourself the object of ridicule and vandalism. For the philosophic statement that the "nail that sticks up will get hammered" is more true today than at any point in time. Everyone is after you, Congress, lawyers, poor relatives, you name it. They all want your money. Solve this by being unnoticed. Shed that debt, scale down the visible signs of wealth and live under the radar! Read this article to understand more!

Thanks to Redgage for the picture of the day!

Armadillo on the loose!


The Path of Slippery Slopes and where they lead

Do you believe that once you go down a path there is no changing direction? If so then take a moment to think about the effect the Supreme Court will have upon each and every member of this nation when they rule on the validity of the Obamacare law and the ability of Congress to rule and regulate all acts of commerce. If the court does agree that Congress can and should have the ability to regulate economic activity as well as decisions, where do they stop? Regulating marriage? Contracts? What you eat, drive, buy? Read this article and learn!

Thanks to Redgage for this picture of the day!

A butterfly and a Marigold


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why is there a lack of investment in America?

We keep hearing about there is a severe lack of jobs in America. The President is constantly putting out the call for the companies of the nation to hire our nation's unemployed and get us moving forward again. Yet, what is the case for investing in America? This article gives a few reasons for the lack of investment and the resulting job losses that lack of investment brings to each and everyone of us. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Thanks to Redgage for the picture of the day!

A nervous bunny rabbit on the look out for the raptors in the sky!


I Am Offended! Are You?

Today, I posted a short article on how people today seem to be offended by almost everything and anything. What has happened to the American people? When did we become such a weak and simple minded nation of individuals? No matter what you may think this is not the America of years past or even yesterday. No longer can we wear perfume at work, talk too loud or even politely disagree without someone being offended. So where do you stand? Take a look at the link and let me know what you think!

Thank you to Redgage for today's pictures......a photo of a squirrel eating a nut!



Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Justification of Re-election & Herbs

The 2012 election season is about to start and it will be a knock down drag out fight between the two major political parties. As we all have an interest in the results, you might want to read this article as to why President Obama should be re-elected to office. It may just surprise you as to why he deserves the support of a large segment of our population.

If you aren't in a political mood today, then you may want to read this article about herbs.....

Perhaps a picture or two from friends at Redgage would be in order.

This is a Photo of the Sun Disappearing-Sunset--Redgage

This is a Photo of a White #Cucumber in my Garden--Redgage


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our Standard of Living!

Has America moved past its prime and begun that descent into the darkness of history's great empires? Perhaps, with our standard of living at its highest point in our history, massive debts and ever growing entitlements, can we hope to keep pace? No matter what your thoughts, read this article before you decide.

If you haven't been convinced that America has seen its best days, then you may want to read this article about our nation's space program. A nation never does well once it ceases to grow. Learn why!

Then again maybe a few pictures would lift your mood. All are posted on Redgage, just click on the description. Okay only one for today. I am still working on learning how to use this blog!

A #Photo of an #Eagle in a #Tree-#Bird