JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bob-Your best friend in an emergency!

In today’s world of constant movement and travel, it really isn’t too hard for one to be caught up in a catastrophe and totally unprepared. We see it every day on television, where a flash flood cuts off a community keeping the homeowners from their homes or where a driver is trapped on the side of a road by their broken down car. It can even be a simple as a power outage or gas leak that forces people to evacuate a neighborhood. No matter what the reason for the problem it is important for everyone to have their best friend handy and available at all times. Who would friend be, none other than BOB or more commonly known as a “bug-out-bag”.

Why do you need a bug-out-bag? Simply said, we never know when we will get stuck some where with no food, water or the basic necessities readily available. For example, what is the first thing to happen during a hurricane or major storm? The shelves of the local stores quickly become empty of a food, water and batteries. Three of the most common items needed during a short-term emergency. If you had a bug-out-bag, such things would not be not so much an emergency, but rather an inconvienence. I know what you are thinking, no big deal, there is always a Quickie-Mart near by and I have an ATM card so I can buy what ever I need without the hassle of carrying a BOB with me all the time. That would be true in most cases, but as with most things in life, things don’t always work out so well. Ask the 80-year-old man who got stuck in the shoulder of the road in the desert when he made a wrong turn and attempted to make a quick U-turn. He was trapped without food, water and blankets for several days before he was found. In order to survive, he drank the water in his wiper reservoir, (not recommended as it is usually toxic). He survived, but it was a lot harder than it needed to be and he ended up in the hospital for several days.(read more here)

Redgage Photo of the day-----Bamboo


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