JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Should we limit our access to guns?

Every time there is a shooting the same questions arise. Should we have stronger gun control laws? Do we need to ban the sale and possession of large capacity magazines? If you have read any of my work, you will quickly realize that I have strong tendencies towards limited government, especially when it comes to the ownership of firearms of all types. Yet, I also believe that any debate is always a good debate. For if we are unwilling as a nation to discuss an issue, then we are doomed to repeat our mistakes of other nations who routinely censor and cower their populations into submission. For I believe that submission is not the American way and we as a nation have the freedoms that all human beings were born to enjoy. Not the least of which is the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. But with any freedom there is its twin brother, responsibility.

We all have members of our family that will when presented with the options between doing a smart thing and a dumb thing, will always do the dumb thing. This is the person who would actually jump off that bridge if everyone else were doing it also. The problem we have as a society is what to do with those who are unwilling to handle the personal responsibilities of our god-given freedoms and routinely jump off that proverbial bridge just because they can, while ignoring the consequences. The same can be applied to the question of gun control and magazine capacity.(read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----Mulberry Tree


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