JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Democratic America!?

I believe we are in for a substantial transformation within the borders of this nation. We are fast approaching the point in time where America will no longer hold onto to the notion of being a Republic and instead will embrace the idea that we must become, a Democracy! Yes, for those who are undereducated or simply ignorant of the facts, America since it inception has been a Republic with Republican ideals of popular representation (The House of Representatives) offset by the egalitarian representation of powerful state interests by the Senate. All of this was topped off by the election of a national leader by an archaic process called the Electoral College. The good news is that soon these aged and obsolete methods of governing will no longer apply as we move this nation closer to that most ideal of governments, the democratically elected government or as some would call it, a government of the majority.

Sounds good doesn’t it? For far too long, we the people have been held in subjugation by those with power and influence who use the United States Constitution as a barrier to the free expression of the majority of Americans. In the past, we have been denied our due rights to food, housing, medical care, and the basic luxuries of life that we so richly deserve though the indirect elections of our US Senators, President and Vice President. It is these indirect elections that have allowed those with special interests to bribe, cajole and deflect the true wishes of the American people. Yet, despite these barriers, we have made progress. One such example was the passage of the 17th Amendment. This Amendment allowed for the first time the direct election of each State’s Senators. This Amendment was the first step in breaking the stranglehold that the Governors and State Legislators had upon the US Senate. It gave the people of this nation the power to directly control both houses in the legislative branch and with that control; state’s rights were no longer relevant. The power of the Federal government to make laws, set tax rates and punish those we deemed unpopular squarely in the hands of the masses. (read more here)

Redgage picture of the day----fly by


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