JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Do you need Solar Power?

What is the true value of solar power in today’s world? Solar power has been touted as the get all and be all of energy independence since the early 1970s when countless people jumped feet first into what they thought would give them the final say in how much they actually spent in energy costs each year. At the time they felt that the nation was on the road to ruin and big oil (OPEC at the time) was out to rob them of all they had. In truth a story not much different that what we hear today about EXXON, (the biggest oil company in the world), from our own government officials. These people felt that if they just invested in enough solar panels, they would finally be able to break free of the escalating costs that seem to hit our pocket books every year with each solemn announcement of a new disaster or revolution somewhere in the world.

Yet, with all of its promise solar power has yet to free the masses from the all powerful and far-reaching monolith we know as the electric company. Why is that? In a word, cost or rather the market costs that prevent the average person from being able to afford the materials and labor to provide enough electrical power to free a household from the grid. It has been estimated that the average household in America is about 1500 square feet and uses about 2500 kilowatts of electricity each month.(click here to read more)

Redgage Picture of the day------Speed Boat


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