JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alternative Foods--Acorns!

Can people actually eat acorns? The short answer is yes, people have been eating acorns for thousands of years and are still doing so today. The difference between today and 150 years ago are the improvements of technology and the urbanization of today’s society. In the past, it took a great deal of effort to clear land for planting, so much of it was done a little bit at a time with the use of hand axes and fire. Until a field was ready for planting, people would gather the nuts of the forest for use in their breads and other dishes they ate. One of those nuts that people regularly ate was the acorn. I know that anyone who has actually pealed back the shell of an acorn and took a bite quickly spit it out due to the foul taste. That taste, or tannins, that are part of the acorn meat is the same material that people used to tan the hides of the animals that were hunted in order to create the shoes and leather products with which they were accustomed.

So not only is the acorn edible, but it actually had a second use in the preservation of hides and other leather products. So how are acorns...(to read more...).......

Redgage Photo picture of the day...antelopes....?????


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