JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Are You Allowed To Defend Your Family?

As you watch the evening news, you begin to realize that we live in a world of danger that seems to be getting more perilous each and every day. We see car jackings occurring where mothers are either shot or thrown to the ground while their assailant drives away with the children in the back sometimes never to be seen again. In other cases, we hear where an entire family is killed by a burglar whose mother later states that her child was always a “good” boy. The question that comes to mind is why does this happen and better yet what can be done to stop it from happening to me and my own?

One of the first things to learn is if your state is one of those that have a fully implemented “Castle Law” doctrine. I know, what is “Castle Law” you ask? Simple said, “Castle Law” is a law that allows one to protect not only himself, but also.......(read more here)

Redgage Picture of the day!.....Turtles

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