JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Monday, July 18, 2011

Are you enjoying your standard of living?

With our economy in the tank a question of what will happen in the future is in the forefront of most people’s minds. We have been looking at nearly 3 years of anemic economic growth, higher prices, a devalued dollar, and what jobs there are to be had, are either working for the government or at McDonalds. In fact, it is being reported that fully half of all private sector jobs created last month were at McDonalds and I really doubt these were $40,000 a year jobs. In a nation that must have an economy that produces at least 200,000 new private sector jobs monthly to account for the population growth, this is a terrible thing that can only lead to one result. That result would be a lower standard of living for each and every one of us.

Granted, our standard of living won’t drop overnight, but if we are to deal with ever increasing budget deficits, increased taxes and growing government, should we not expect our standard of living to decline? To the point, I would ask each and every one of you the following question, “If we actually believe in doing what is right for this nation, should we not lower our expectations in regards to our standard of living”? That’s right, since we have allowed our political leaders to spend what our grandchildren have not even earned, is it not our duty as citizens to give up the luxuries that we so enjoy?

It is my belief that no matter what we think, that is exactly what will happen during the next generation. We can even see the first signs of what will become the norm of the land. Our housing prices are in a free fall; those who have respectable jobs tend to be older and not normally inclined to move too often. That means any who buy are planning to buy a home will be younger with a lower base income, as they work at McDonalds, so a bank will not lend them the amount of cash as we enjoyed during our generation.(read more here)

Redgage photo of the day----(holly plant)


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