It’s pretty universally agreed, even among those who are part of this much-maligned group, people just hate lawyers. I know there are some great people who happen to be lawyers and there are even lawyers who perform acts of charity out of the goodness of their hearts, but I still find it hard to find someone who actually likes lawyers. Yes, you may consider your lawyer great and he does a good job representing you, but that does not change the fact that lawyers are generally viewed just below the bubonic plague with a touch of leprosy added in for good measure on the scale of humanity. With that being said, why do people simply hate lawyers?
As we are a nation of laws, the value of lawyers cannot be understated as an asset to functioning of our society for if we didn’t have lawyers how else could we interpret our laws and regulations? Who would represent us in the courts? The age-old piece of wisdom that “the man who represents himself has a fool for a client” is true, for how many of us could stand before a court of law with a straight face and inform the court that the true responsibility for the death of the victim was the Twinkies that were eaten in the hours before the murder? Yes, the consumption of Twinkies was used as a basis for the defense of a man who killed a councilman and the mayor of San Francisco many years ago. To be totally truthful, the defense argued that the man charged was clinically depressed and the Twinkies aggravated that depression, he was convicted despite the defense claims.
Perhaps the cause of our dislike for lawyers is the idea the laws themselves are so detailed and complicated that only someone who spends his entire life studying the law has even the slightest chance of understanding the law. The laws and regulations for just the Federal Tax Code is over 13,000 pages long. That’s just to be able to file your taxes properly. Does anyone actually know all of the rules, regulations and requirements? That’s just for the privilege of paying taxes, something that affects each and every one in this nation and a law that no one can ignore unless you actually have a desire to spend your time in jail. How can you be assured you are doing them correctly? The truth of the matter, you can’t, that is you cannot be sure unless you hire a lawyer at several hundred dollars an hour to argue your case before a judge. A situation where, you are screwed either way. If you lawyer fails to convince the judge and you go to jail, if he succeeds in arguing your case, then you will be flat broke. Sometimes it is hard to decide which is better? (read more here)
Redgage picture of the day----bottlebrush
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