JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Potatoes are one of those staples that everyone should have in their pantry. The potato is a great source of the nutrients and vitamins that we all need. In fact, it seems that the Irish survived by eating potatoes and drinking buttermilk for what seems to be eons. If it hadn’t been for the potato famine of the 19th century, they would probably be still growing them as the main staple food of Ireland. For those who are a little short on their history, the potato originated in South America presumably around the region of Peru and was brought back to Europe by the Explorers of the 16th and 17th centuries where it began its rise to the prominence it now enjoys in both Europe and America.

If you plan to grow potatoes this year, you should know that the potato is an easy and fun crop for most gardeners. In fact, if you have small children it is an ideal tuber for them to begin their experiences in gardening with. Potatoes can be grown in almost any container, ranging from tires to plastic bags to even trash cans if you are so inclined, but most people will use mounded dirt for their potatoes. Just be sure to empty and clean the trashcan before you begin your new potatoes or they just will not taste right. .....


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