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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Frustrations with the New America.

I was listening the the Boortz show today and I heard a audio clip that really disturbed me. In the clip, a woman was complaining that she was just too stressed out with her job and that paying bills and working for a living was just too much to ask of her. She went on to say that she had taken a month off from work and found that without the demands from the people who pay her to work, she had a rather agreeable life that consisted of days doing the things she enjoyed. Furthermore, she indicated that society demanding that she pay back the money she borrowed for schooling, spent on food, housing and the basic needs of life in general was simply unjust. Land should be free, was it not so in the past? Food should be free, were we not able to gather it as we became hungry? And so it went on......

It's not the first time I had heard such garbage from the moochers of this nation, but it struck me that this woman now represents the majority of who we are as Americans today. We expect that if we are hungry food will be given to us at no cost. When we need shelter, it shall be provided, again at no cost and so on. How did this happen?

Do people not realize that if you get food for nothing, it was taken from someone else? Food does not just appear, it must be grown, gathered, transported, and stored! This does not come at no cost. Yes, I have also come across those who think that meat only comes in packages and so we have no need to kill animals or that canned carrots are created that way, so don't give them the type that touched the dirt as it is dirty! Despite that I still held out hope that we as a nation still had that urge to go it alone and create something new and better so that we could enjoy the wealth we created.

Now it seems that the only type of person that we now have (under 35 years old) are those who feel that they have been slighted in some way and they only reason they don't have a mansion, Rolls Royce and plenty of cash is that some evil @#%$@ has kept them from their true potential by stealing from them through low wages and unreasonable demands such as showing up to work each and every day on time.

That brings up another rant of mine. What is the deal with a work ethic? It is one thing to show up in pants around your knees with on hand on your pants and the other on your cell phone, but at least you showed up. Too many people now won't even make the effort to be at work on time and if they do, you need to pay them extra. My wife works at a big box store and they are constantly loosing people who chronicly complain that management demands too much for too little pay. Yet these are the very same people who call in at least 3 times each month, hurt themselves twice a year and are just a royal pain in the b#$# to work with.

Some how America has lost touch with the idea that we must work for what we eat, sweat for our shelter and save for our future and no one is responsible for ourselves but ourselves. It may simply be a case of my being old and addled, but then again if it is not, what future do we have as a people?


1 comment:

  1. I have worked on my current job for 5 years and was the same way on all my past jobs, in that I have not called in sick and am always on time. An employer has the right to expect a full days work from us. I do not know what has happened to the work ethic. Good question. There are too many people that feel they are "entitled"!
