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Monday, August 1, 2011

Why are men today such women?

I was reading the postings on a forum that I like to read and the question was asked, (not for the first time), “What has happened to the manly man?” It got me to thinking about how society has changed over the last few decades. When I was young, women were just starting to work outside the home on a regular basis, the ERA amendment was in full swing and the sexual revolution was at its peak. Men of that time understood that their first task was to get up each and every morning and get their rear ends to work and earn a living so that they and their own were able to have a good life. That wasn’t to say that a number of women didn’t earn a good living and provide the needed income for the family, but the men of that period of time weren’t the lazy and shiftless bunch of half wits they seem to be today, rather they had a purpose and went about getting things done.

Today that is no longer the case. These days, I have found that whenever I watch a television program or even a commercial, the men are portrayed as being less than capable. For example, you don’t see the woman in the commercial being belittled for forgetting that they use the newest product, but rather it is the man. When something dumb happens, all eyes turn to the male in the scene, never the woman. Even the children get into the act as demonstrated on one commercial where they get after the father for not having a plate under his burger and thus staining the table cloth. It is not so much that men don’t do dumb things, but if you were to take your impressions of today’s male from the television you would think he is about 25 IQ points below the average dog.---read more here----

Redgage picture of the day-----Wild Turkeys


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