JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Monday, August 1, 2011

What you shouldn't do when applying for an Apartment!

There are more than a few things in life that you shouldn’t do, but if you are applying to rent a house or apartment, I can give you five things right off the top of my head. Yes, I realize that being a landlord is perceived by many as being in a position of power and wealth, but in reality it is anything but. One of the more challenging aspects to being a landlord is the point in time when your home or apartment is finally ready to show to those people who are prospective tenants. For you have slaved for days or even months to get all the walls painted, the carpet freshly installed, appliances cleaned, and yard neatly manicured for those in need of a good home to live in. So what are those things you just shouldn’t do?

First and foremost-don’t show up drunk. Yes, I have actually had a number of applicants arrive at the appointed time, barely able to stand and reeking of beer. If it had only happened once, I could always right it off as one of those weird things, but it has actually happened three times in the last three years. In each case they did have a ride, but dealing with a drunk who insists they are the best candidate for the rental is not what I would consider a good time. ---read more here---

Redgage picture of the day-----Kangaroos


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