JDBarlow's Content on RedGage

Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Modern Laziness

We all know that society is in a constant flux and as the generations pass, new trends, fads and who knows what, become popular and then fade away. Yet throughout the generations, one thing remained constant to each and every family in this nation. Children played and caused all kinds of havoc while playing outside. It is that love of the outside that seems to be fading away as we become a nation of couch sitting, bed loving, slugs who no longer enjoy the bright outdoors. If fact, it seems the only reason to go outdoors anymore is to do our bit of traveling to go to school, work or at best for a rare day at the beach or amusement part being entertained by the activities of others. So we must ask ourselves, just when did we become so lazy and what have we done to our children?

An easy answer would be to blame those sick individuals who we see on the news each and every day. These are the people who kidnap the young and venerable then perform unspeakable acts before disposing of their victims. So in response we keep our children close kidding ourselves that it is in their best interest. Yet, all that seems to have accomplished is create a new generation of adults who no longer love the outdoors and the understanding of how nature works. If fact, I once overheard a conversation of a woman who was determined to save a bit of money growing a garden, but was hesitant do so. Her reason for the hesitation was the fact that she could not find the variety of vegetable that developed into cans when they ripened. I know, people can’t be that dumb, but in all honesty, it is a true story and she was deadly serious and I have run across dozens of individuals who wouldn’t eat any vegetable that actually grew in the dirt. They only wanted the vegetables that were grown dirt free. They didn’t want any of those diseases that were contained in the dirt.----read more here-----

Redgage picture of the day-----Roadside Flowers


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