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Monday, August 1, 2011

Government and Social Engineering

There has been much ado about the comments of Newt Gingrich regarding the efforts of Republicans to implement a bit of “right-wing social engineering” in regards to the implementation of a national medical program. In this day and age it seems that everyone has a plan to effect change upon the nation and the way we live our lives. Yet, I wonder if these efforts to “help” us are simply a case of misguided nanny state behavior at best or the first steps towards a united “mind-think” by our nation’s leaders at the point of a gun. So the question of the day would be, “is there a difference between right-wing and left-wing social engineering”?

To begin with, I am the type of person who would like to live without much interaction with those around me. In another time I might have been one of those secluded recluses or hermits that we read about in our history books. It has shaped my view on the world as one that believes that the more we are left to our own devices the better we are as a society, but despite that, I do see a need for a strong network of laws that help protect the weak from the predations of the strong. So when I see one group or another push an effort to “help” society, I have an automatic gut reaction of pushing back. That is the case where I see an effort from conservatives to prevent the people of this nation from enjoying the freedoms that our constitution promises as our God given rights as human beings. A case in point is not only the passage of laws that restrict our ability to travel freely, (TSA groping, warrant less searches), but also their efforts to pin down who I am and what I am doing with “real id” acts and NSA phone taps.---read more here----

Redgage picture of the day-----A garden spider


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